



Amsted Seals (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. focuses on production and processing of elastomeric rubber and metal sealing components. The company can assist customers with customized seal designs for their specific application needs. The company supplies their products to customers in the automotive, railroad, truck, appliance, and other markets. The company exports products globally to the United States and other foreign countries, and also sells products into the domestic Chinese market. With a focus on quality, employee development, and customer experience, Amsted Seals (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. is a growing player in the sealing market.
安施德密封件(宁波)有限公司注重生产和加工弹力橡胶和金属密封部件。公司能够帮助客户在密封件设计上的定制化, 以满足在应用上的特定需求。 公司的客户覆盖汽车、铁路、卡车、电器和其它市场,产品向美国及全球其它国家出口,同时也满足国内市场客户的需求。 公司重视产品质量、员工发展和客户体验,在密封件市场上正在快速崛起。

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