



About Us:

Since its inception, nVision Global has evolved from a regional Freight Payment company to one of the fastest growing Global Freight Audit, Payment and Logistics Management software and service providers in the industry. nVision boasts facilities on four continents, superior technology, quality services and comprehensive business intelligence applications second to none.

As we Partner with our customers we are committed to listening and dynamically customizing our processes to support each of their unique business requirements. Our commitment is to provide each customer with responsiveness that is unparalleled in the industry. We are dedicated to this philosophy given that we understand that a successful relationship depends on the delivery of state of the art technology, quality focus, flexible processes, unparalleled service and global business intelligence.
nVision Global at a glance: Global Headquarters located in Atlanta, Georgia USA
Operating Facilities in The Americas, Europe and Asia
10,000 Transportation Providers Supported
Core Services include Global Freight Audit and Payment, Logistics Management and Claims Services
74,000,000 Transactions Processed Annually
$4.2 Billion in Annual Freight Spend
Experts in processing all Modes of Transportation


nVision Global 在成立之初只是一家区域性运费支付公司,目前它已发展为业界成长速度最快的国际运费审计、支付和物流管理服务提供商之一。 遍及四大洲的分支机构、卓越领先的技术、品质出众的服务以及首屈一指的综合商务智能应用程序,这些都成为了 nVision 最引以为豪的骄人成绩。

我们悉心聆听客户的需要并灵活定制我们的流程,以迎合每位客户的独特业务需求。 我们承诺为每位客户提供业界无可比拟的回应能力。 之所以信奉这一价值观,是因为我们明白“采用一流技术、重视提高品质、制定灵活程序、提供独特服务以及全球商务智能”都是建立成功关系的关键。
nVision Global 概览: 全球总部位于美国乔治亚州亚特兰大市。
每年处理 63,000,000 张发票。
每年处理的货物价值达 31 亿美元。

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