



TransFingo has its origins as an Accounting Services firm serving small and medium enterprises in Singapore and the region. In 2003, TransFingo re-focused its business as a Business Process Outsourcing service provider with the addition of key management with vast industry experience in Process Risk Consulting and B2B technology solutions development.

TransFingo is a leading provider of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Business Advisory Services in the Asia Pacific region. Our process teams support operations in 33 countries in the Asia Pacific region with multi-lingual capabilities.

Business Units

Business Process Outsourcing

We are in the business of enabling companies to be competitive by outsourcing their non-core business activities and focusing resources on their core competencies. TransFingo's knowledge of emerging business models and solutions enable us to provide our clients with the best possible Processes, Technologies and Talents.

We take PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY for providing a business process or function. We go beyond managing the technology infrastructure and software applications by taking primary responsibility for ensuring that the process works, interfaces effectively with other company functions and delivering the outcomes intended.

The TransFingo BPO Solutions Suite provides services in the area of Finance & Accounting, Human Resources and Customer Relationship Management. TransFingo’s approach to BPO is modular where a client may first outsource to us processes with tactical value. Thereafter, TransFingo can further value-add by providing outsourcing services with more strategic value.

Risk Management Consulting
In Risk Management Consulting, TransFingo can work with you at an enterprise-wide level, or on individual functions and processes, to help you:

. Understand your risk capacity and tolerance, and recommend an effective framework and organizational structure for managing risk
. Assess business risks
. Formulate business risk management strategies
. Design and implement risk management solutions

With our database of best business, risk management and controls practices, we apply quantitative and qualitative diagnostic tools to benchmark your performance against world-class performers in business risk management.
Our approach is collaborative. We work with you to provide services in locations where you lack resources. We provide people with the skills and knowledge you lack, or train your people to give them the competencies you need. With our advanced risk assessment, control and monitoring methodologies, our extensive knowledge bases and our sophisticated enabling technologies, we help you to effectively integrate risk management into your processes and your organization.

Website: www.transfingo.com
Email: [email protected]
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