



阿里斯托房地产集团是塞浦路斯著名的房地产开发商,在建筑与房地产行业方面拥有超过30年丰富经验,是首家获塞国ISO 9001行业认证的房地产开发公司,同时也是FIABCI国际房地产联盟和欧盟经合组织管理和审计计划(EMAS)的成员,在塞浦路斯完成超过265个项目。现正寻找有志从事海外房产商务拓展业务人士,加入我们广州办的团队,与我们一同成长。

Aristo Developers is one of the largest Property Developing companies in Cyprus, as well as the largest private land owner on the island with more than 30 years of extensive experience in the construction and Real Estate sector.Aristo Developers’ success history is accredited worldwide. The company’s reputation for quality and reliability is endorsed by international organizations such as the NQA (National Quality Assurance / ISO 9001) and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Aristo Developers is also a member of the FIABCI International Real Estate Federation and the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).
We're looking to recruit an OVERSEAS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE to join their growing team in Guangzhou Office. This is an excellent career opportunity which will allow one to work with a dynamic group of people.

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