



Cé LA VI 源自于举世皆知的法国习语,中译为「这就是人生」。我们认为,再无其他名称可以贴切归纳我们的价值及愿景。Cé LA VI 译为「这就是人生」——如此果断决然、一锤定音的宣言。每当人们说出「这就是人生攻顶的感觉」,或是「这就是我要的人生」,背后的真意便是「就是这样!活着就是这种感觉!」……「没有更美好的事物了!」
Cé LA VI is born from a universally known French phrase that translates into ‘THIS IS LIFE’. We believe there is no better name to sum up who we are and why we do what we do. Cé LA VI translates into ‘THIS IS LIFE’ – a definitive and authoritative statement. When you say, “this is life at the top” or “this is the life”, you are saying, “this is it! This is living!”… “there is nothing better out there!”

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