



—The SUPER DRY team commitment and dedication caring for your goods.

Our story begins in the year 2000, when 3 Executives from the manufacturing, shipping and surveying industries combined their knowledge and experience, to address a serious problem they all had experienced – moisture & mold damages to products shipped in containers. Since establishing our first factory in Indonesia, we continue to grow steadily and today operate a global sales and service network.
SUPER DRY is a global leader in Calcium Chloride desiccants. We specialize in moisture damage prevention solutions.
We operate 4 factories strategically located along the Asian manufacturing belt. We take pride in our state-of-the-art R&D center which is equipped with the most sophisticated technology ensuring the safest and most effective products available in the industry. SUPER DRY sets the standards for quality and effectiveness and we are committed to providing our customers with the best products and services available in the market.

Knowledge & Expertise are the pillars of our production, R&D and service processes.
We provide continuing education and on-site training for our team members, an important investment to ensure that we stay ahead of the market. Our business is supported by a team of specialists in every business field providing the best products and services at the highest quality level to our customers.

干霸干燥剂(深圳)有限公司隶属于SUPER DRY INTERNATIONAL。SUPER DRY 是全球领先的防潮产品和服务供应商,集研发、生产、销售、售后于一体。我们的产品被广泛应用于世界主要制造业的几乎所有产品的海洋运输防潮,我们产品和服务受到众多国际知名品牌的高度认可。

SUPER DRY于2000年由一群对生产制造、海洋运输和测量计算有丰富经验的专业人士成立于新加坡。到2018年,SUPER DRY在全球建立起4个工厂-分别在中国深圳、印尼巴厘岛、泰国芭提雅、印度加尔各答,目前***的研发中心设在深圳,全球各大洲有 40多个办事处/代理。干霸干燥剂深圳公司拥有员工300名,普工两百多,办公室职员大约六十人,职员平均年龄35,全部大专以上学历。我们是一支多国籍多肤色,青春活力,积极向上的年轻队伍。


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