



After collaborating for over 20 years, angley arrowsmith, shopworks and locasia have combined to become the greater group. Our combined expertise means we deliver high impact, high return store design, fit-out, program management and manufacturing solutions to the biggest brands out there.

With offices now in Melbourne, Sydney, Shanghai, Hong Kong - and with Singapore on the way - the greater group is perfectly positioned to service our clients across the APAC region.

We pride ourselves on understanding consumer buying behaviours and utilising this knowledge to positively influence the purchasing patterns within the retail environment.

If you wish to discuss how the greater group can help make your current or upcoming store fit-out program deliver maximum impact, be more cost effective to implement, and ultimately, more profitable, please email [email protected] or visit www.greatergroup.com.au

Innovative retail designs, program management, shop-fitting for profitable retailing, procurement specialists, architecture & development

Connect with us:
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/greater-group
Twitter: https://twitter.com/greatergroup_
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/12fuQ6v

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