



QVC is industry leader, #1 in tv shopping, #2 in mobile commerce and top 5 of on-line retailer. qvc is also forbes 2015 best employer.

QVC china teams based in shanghai and shenzhen play key roles in quality, sourcing, it supports. our teams are important part of QVC global markets and help ensure qvc customers have great shopping experience with quality products, great value and services. QVC china team is also a great platform for talents and dedicated staff to grow further in meeting their career inspirations or personal development goals. we are a team believes in qvc business culture, with high sense of work responsibility, teamwork and business ethics. now we have great opportunity for talented candidates like you to join our friendly team, participating in our fast moving business, and enjoy fun & team support environment.

QVC是业内领导者,电视购物行业的首席,移动商务的第2和在线零售商中的前五位。QVC也是2015福布斯***雇主。QVC中国在上海和深圳开展业务, 在质量,采购,it支持方面担任了重要角色。我们的团队是QVC全球市场的重要组成部分,通过高质量的产品,高价值和优秀服务帮助给QVC的顾客带来良好的购物体验。QVC中国团队也为那些寻找职业热情或个人发展的人才和优秀员工提供了良好的平台。我们的团队坚信QVC商业文化,具有高度工作责任心,团队合作和遵守商业道德。现在,我们正在寻找像您一样的候选者来加入我们友好的团队,参与快速发展的业务中来,享受愉快友好的工作环境。

请申请者将简历(包括申请职位说明及本人近照及期望薪资)邮寄至:QVC中国有限公司上海代表处 南京西路688号1005室 行政人事部 邮编:200020 或将简历直接发送至[email protected](上海应聘者)。邮件标题请注明应聘职位的编号及工作城市。欲了解qvc公司详情,请点击www.qvc.com,亦可经过网站,输入‘QVC’查询。符合所述条件者,将获得面试机会。

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