



意大利Baglioni集团成立于1968年,是欧洲压力容器制造行业的领先企业。爱康(上海)压力容器有限公司成立于2004年1月,位于上海市浦东新区,是意大利Baglioni集团下属的一家独资企业。公司致力于生产达到国际先进水平的各类标准的压力容器产品,现因公司发展的需要,提供具有竞争力的职位和薪资,有意者请将个人简历邮寄至本公司或直接发邮件到 [email protected]

Baglioni Group, the leader of the pressure vessel field in Europe, is an Italian company established in 1968. Aircom (Shanghai) pressure container Co. Ltd.owned by Baglioni Group, is established in Jan., 2004. Our plant is located at Pu Dong New Area, Shanghai. We are engaged in producing advanced pressure vessels in the world. Now we are looking for talents to join in us for our success in China and all world business. Please mail the resume or e-mail to us.

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