



PAPINEE的故事,起源于一个深爱孩子的母亲。她深知与孩子一同领略大千世界的神奇美景是何其重要,却因为身体原因无法远行。于是她突发奇想,把客厅布置成各个国家文化名胜的样子:比如埃及的吉萨金字塔,肯尼亚的非洲大草原,印度的泰姬陵… 然后拿着一个个可爱的小动物玩偶,让它们作为国家的使者,给孩子讲述关于这些国家奇妙可爱的小故事。每个星期天,母亲还会和孩子带着玩偶拜访当地的福利院,一起给小朋友们讲那些发生在异国他乡的小故事。就这样,小动物玩偶们陪伴着小朋友们,足不出户就好像见到了浪漫的巴黎铁塔,绚烂的曼哈顿夜景和飘逸的日本樱花雨。母亲轻轻地附在每个小朋友耳边,告诉他们,他们有多棒,多优秀,这世界就在眼前,等待着他们的探索,无论是一草一木还是浩瀚星辰。她还为一起玩耍的小朋友们创造了一个神奇的词语:PAPINEE,意思是“世界是你们的”。

It all began many years ago with a mother whose ill health restricted her ability to travel and against all odds wanted to give her son the world. She converted their living room into the Pyramids of Giza, the Savannas of Kenya, the Taj Mahal and would take him to incredible lands with the most fantastical Animals through imaginative storytelling and plays.

And every Sunday they would visit local children's orphanages where she would share stories with the kids, educating & inspiring them with ideas... She told each child that they were exceptional & brilliant and that they should reach for the stars; she whispered in each and every-one's ear her magical word that meant "the world is yours'...

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