



Dominion is an eSports planning and production company wholly owned by Riot Games. Established in 2016, Dominion specializes in League of Legends eSports events production, broadcast, video content creation and caster management. Past full production showcases include LPL 2017, 2017 MSI, 2017 Rift Rival, The League of Legends Worlds 2017 Finals, 2018 LPL, 2018 MSI, 2018 Rift Rival, 2018 League of Legends International College Cup, eSports Demonstration Event Asian Games 2018 - League of Legends, and will continue to be involved in future League of Legends eSports.

Dominion's goal is to become the best eSports content creation company around the world, leading innovation inside and outside of the space and setting the bar of what excellent eSports production looks like.

We are currently looking for talented candidates that love games and wants to bring their passion for games into their professional career. We are good team players with a curiosity for innovation and reinventing the norm.

作为视拳团队的一员,你将结识行业内最顶尖的人才 ——体育艾美奖获得者、鸟巢巨龙的设计师以及全球最顶尖的电竞赛事团队导演等。你将对视拳的技术、直播、视频和赛事运营等每个核心团队都进行一定的了解,并通过积极的影响与整个Dominion团队共同成长。我们需要你来成为这个团队的黏合剂和催化剂,帮助每一位成员激发他们最大的潜能,为我们的玩家和观众带来最精彩纷呈的电竞赛事。
As part of Dominion team, you will be building connections with the top talents in eSports industry - designers of Sports Emmy Award-winning dragon in Bird's Nest, directors for world's largest eSports events in history etc. You will get the knowledge of all the core parts like tech, broadcasting, video production and event management, as well as make the team better by positively impacting and providing support. We need you to be the catalyst that glues different disciplines together ranging from broadcast, eSports tech, video content creation, events and caster management to fully realize the potential of our vision and create extraordinary viewing experiences for our fans and players.

In Dominion, you will be infatuated with the team spirit and passion that our teams demonstrated in their dedication to excellence. We are the front line warriors that lead to the evolution of eSports and we hope for you to become an integral part of this revolution.


If you are a gamer, an eSports fan that has a strong passion and belief for eSports that wants to make a real impact
Dominion is the best organization for you to be a part of!

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