



Studio Illumine is an international team of lighting designers with a passion for light, architecture, product design and art. The design practice is officially founded in 2011 and based in Shanghai. Its team members are of varied design backgrounds
and their independent and professional status ensures that it’s lighting service is unaffiliated with any manufacturers.
Studio Illumine believes that lighting is a vital element of good design. As such, it needs to be considered in parallel with other design processes from the very beginning. Good lighting is developed through an understanding of the latest technology available, lighting codes, sustainability and a sense of the built environment. It is about creating ambience through light and shade. Functional yet beautiful lighting schemes result in meaningful light.
一昱设计是一个国际化的团队, 于2 0 1 1 年在上海正式成立。其灯光设计师对灯光、建筑、产品设计和艺术充满着热情, 有着多元化的设计背景, 并都致力于在既有的空间内创造出富有深意并极具创意的灯光方案。工作室的独立性和专业性确保了其灯光设计服务不附属于任何灯具制造商。
一昱设计相信对于一个好的设计作品来说, 灯光是至关重要的元素。因此, 需要在设计伊始与其他设计步骤一同被考虑在内。好的照明设计是基于对新技术、照明规范、可持续性的理解以及对既有空间的认知感, 通过光和影创造出一种氛围。集功能性和美观于一体的灯光设计必会打造出富有深意的灯光。

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