



forty one hengshan road, shanghai’s premier luxury serviced apartment complex, managed by shanghai huifa property co., ltd. with kempinski management service stand.

located in the heart of the diplomatic district, forty one heng shan road offers residents the most prestigious address in shang hai. in a neighbourhood surrounded by lush consular gardens, and low-rise villas, it reigns supreme. inspired by paris-based 1930’s designer, ruhlman, art deco style furniture and fittings were especially commissioned with ultimate comfort in minde. the layout of the apartments enhances the spaciousness and natural light, which are trademarks of forty one hengshang road.

forty one hengshan road has a total of 164 one, two, and three bedroom apartments. all apartments are fully fumished including appliances and and kitchenware, and finished to world-class standards.

we are actively looking for qualified and motivated candidates to join our team.


衡山路41号服务公寓矗立在上海文化及政贸中心,与葱郁的领馆花园和别墅毗邻,位处上海最高尚路段的豪华住宅。受三零年代巴黎设计师ruhlman的影响,家私与装饰极尽豪华雅致的art deco艺术格调和舒适的居家氛围,巧妙的构思令室内漫溢大自然阳光,更显宽敞。



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