



Since 2007, Scandsource has played a critical role in providing more affordable and accessible accessories for home electronics in the nordics. As a subsidiary of Kjell & Company Elektronik AB, we continuously supply the Nordic market with high quality solutions empowering our customers to make the most of their products.

Together we serve customers ranging from large businesses and public institutions, to small and medium businesses, and of course individual consumers. We are deeply committed to customer service for which we've received numerous accolades ranging from "Biggest Investment for Increased Customer Service" to "Salesman of the Year".

At Scandsource, we foster an open approach to new technology and innovation. We strongly believe in the part it plays in human success and work hard to make sure it's made available to anyone.

自2007年以来,Scandsource为北欧家庭提供更低价和便捷的电子电器产品发挥了关键作用。 作为瑞典Kjell & Company Elektronik AB的子公司,我们不断向北欧市场提供高品质的解决方案,使客户能够充分利用其产品。

我们同时服务于大型企业和公共机构、中小型企业以及个人消费者。 我们深深致力于客户服务,我们已经在当地获得了诸多荣誉。

在Scandsource,我们重视创新精神,培养拥抱新技术的开放式态度。 我们坚信个人成功在公司发展中起到关键作用,确保每一名员工取得个人发展。

Kjell & Company Elektronik AB成立于1998年,至今已拥有超过110家自营门店,800人以上雇员。

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