





我们是宝马和梅赛德斯-奔驰指定的第三方检测服务供应商。我们的客户还包括其他的主机厂如奥迪、福特、保时捷;还有一线供应商,二线供应商,例如IAC埃驰、Johnson Control江森自控、Faurecia佛吉亚、Grammer格拉默、Continental德国大陆集团等。


Imat is an innovative design and engineering company which supports its clients (OEM, Tier 1 & 2 suppliers) from the first idea to the final product along the entire chain of process. The company provides design, development and testing of materials, components and whole systems according to ISO 17025 and ISO 9001.

Imat is engaging in traffic and mobility concepts of urban society in the future. The scenario team develops precise future scenarios for identifying prospective necessities of road users in reference to design, ergonomics and comfort. All that helps developers, designers and constructing engineers to implement the company’s mission “Our benchmark: The human being”.

Daimler, BMW, VW and many other car manufacturer and their suppliers appreciate us for being competent and reliable experts in the field of development, engineering and testing.

Apart from the headquarter in M?nchengladbach, Germany, imat-uve operates further offices in Southern Germany, South Africa, Atlanta/USA and Shanghai/Shenyang China .

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