



Drei Kronen 1308 is today a modern operation specializing in licensing, franchising, consulting and operation of Brauhauhauses, restaurants and breweries on a worldwide basis.
We are also proud to boast a high quality bottling operation producing the world renowned beer Drei Kronen 1308.Drei Kronen 1308 was founded in Bavaria over 700 years ago.
We are the oldest king appointed brewery in the world today.
Through the centuries we have cherished our age old recipes - constantly refining them. This has made Drei Kronen 1308 a true frontrunner into the art and craft of brewing great beer.
Leading by example, we strive to set a high standard in today’s beer brewing business.

Drei Kronen(三皇冠)1308是一家在世界范围内提供商标授权,特许经营,连锁加盟,咨询管理,以及经营自酿餐吧,特色餐厅和酿酒厂的现代化企业。
我们为拥有生产世界知名啤酒Drei Kronen(三皇冠) 1308瓶装啤酒的技术和能力而感到自豪。
Drei Kronen (三皇冠)1308于700年前始建于德国巴伐利亚,我们是目前世界上最古老的皇家钦点啤酒坊。
正是因为如此,Drei Kronen(三皇冠) 1308啤酒成为手工酿造啤酒艺术的领跑者。

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