



INS is a fast growing professional marketing research and consulting company headquartered in Beijing and with other full service office in Shanghai. INS has the most professional marketing research and consulting team in automobile, telecommunication, and FMCG industries. INS’ team includes China’s best group of qualitative moderators and quantitative experts, all with more than 10 years professional experience in North America and China, research agencies and marketing institutions. In fulfilling the need of rapid business development, we are now sincerely welcoming talents who want a career in marketing research and consultancy to join us. Please send your resume in English and Chinese together with a photo of yourself to Miss Chen at [email protected]

INS是一家立足中国、放眼全球、快速成长的专业市场研究与咨询公司。我们的总公司设在北京,并在上海设有分公司。INS在汽车、电信通信以及快速消费品等领域拥有中国最专业的市场研究与咨询团队。INS的团队由中国目前最出众的定量研究专家和定性研究主持人组成,他们当中的大部分人士在中国或北美的市场研究及市场营销领域拥有超过10年的研究与营销经验。为了满足业务快速增长的需要,我们真诚地欢迎将市场研究与咨询作为自己职业发展方向的英才加入我们这个激情向上的团队。请将您的中英文简历(含照片)的电子版发送至 [email protected]

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