



Welcome to Stanley Black & Decker- FOR THOSE WHO MAKE THE WORLD!

In 1843, an enterprising businessman named Frederick Trent Stanley established a shop in New Britain , Connecticut to manufacture door bolts and other hardware from wrought iron. Stanley's Bolt Manufactory was only one of dozens of small foundries and other backyard industries in town struggling to make a go of it by turning out metal products. But Stanley possessed a special innovative spirit and an uncommon passion for doing things right, and his modest enterprise prospered and grew into what is today Stanley Black & Decker.

A division of Stanley Black & Decker, STANLEY Products & Solutions (SPS) is a new business within Stanley Security. SPS will help us leverage innovation strengths from 3xLOGIC, providing easy-to-use surveillance and business intelligence solutions that seamlessly integrate video, access control, alarm audio and video verification, and disparate data sets such as ATM, Point-of-Sale, analytics, and more.




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