



about jones lang lasalle

jll (nyse: jll) is a professional services and investment management firm offering specialized real estate services to clients seeking increased value by owning, occupying and investing in real estate. with annual fee revenue of $4.7 billion and gross revenue of $5.4 billion, jll has more than 230 corporate offices, operates in 80 countries and has a global workforce of approximately 58,000. on behalf of its clients, the firm provides management and real estate outsourcing services for a property portfolio of 3.4 billion square feet, or 316 million square meters, and completed $118 billion in sales, acquisitions and finance transactions in 2014. its investment management business, lasalle investment management, has $53.6 billion of real estate assets under management. jll is the brand name, and a registered trademark, of jones lang lasalle incorporated. for further information, visit www.jll.com.

jll has over 50 years of experience in asia pacific, with over 29,000 employees operating in 81 offices in 16 countries across the region. the firm was named ‘best property consultancy’ in seven asia pacific countries at the international property awards asia pacific 2014. www.jll.com/asiapacific

in greater china, the firm has more than 2,100 professionals and 13,500 on-site staff providing quality real estate advice and services in over 80 cities across the country. www.joneslanglasalle.com.cn


仲量联行(纽约证交所交易代码:jll)是专注于房地产领域的专业服务和投资管理公司,致力于为客户持有、租用和投资房地产的决策实现增值。仲量联行业务遍及全球80个国家,拥有逾230个分公司,员工总数约58,000人。2014年度业务营收达47亿美元,总收入54亿美元。2014年仲量联行代表客户管理和提供外包服务的物业总面积逾34亿平方英尺(约3.2亿平方米),并协助客户完成了价值1180亿美元的物业出售、并购和融资交易。仲量联行旗下的投资管理业务分支“领盛投资管理(lasalle investment management)”管理资产总值达536亿美元。更多信息请浏览 www.jll.com

仲量联行在亚太地区开展业务超过50年。公司目前在亚太地区的16个国家拥有81个分公司,员工总数超过29,000 人。在 “2014年国际物业奖”评选中,仲量联行摘取了亚太地区包括中国在内的7个国家的“***房地产咨询公司”奖项。www.jll.com/asiapacific

在大中华区,仲量联行目前拥有超过2,100名专业人员及13,500名驻场员工,所提供的专业房地产服务遍及全国80多个城市。 www.joneslanglasalle.com.cn

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