


鼓楼区软件大道89号福州软件园A区32号楼 2层南区

WiseTech Global-About Us

WiseTech Global is a world class provider of high value technology and IT management solutions. With clients holding more than 100,000 licenses across a customer community of 5,000 sites in 105 countries, WiseTech Global brands and products are recognized worldwide and are the leading brandsin the US, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. WiseTech Global maintains offices in the US, Europe and Asia Pacific.

Our core brand CargoWise was founded in 1994 in Sydney, Australia, which is a world leading highly modular enterprise class system that streamlines the operations, accounts, and management of Freight Forwarders, Customs Brokers, NVOCC’s, container freight stations, ships agents, warehouses, cartage and trucking companies.

WiseTech Global —In China

With Global Economic Integration, the international shipping and logistics industry get rapid development in China. WiseTech Global is willing to provide strongly support to Chinese logistics industry.

With the development of Simplified Chinese version CargoWise, we implement the localization of the documentation and information management. Abides by Chinese Laws, regulations and accounting standard, our financial modules are able to meets customers’ needs. Our Shanghai branch provides satisfactory support to more than 10,000 cooperative partners in China.

Meanwhile, we have set up an R& D centre to support and promote our products to meet the unique needs in Chinese Market. We are determined to make it the most influential RD Centre in the global logistics industry.

WiseTech Global – 公司简介

WiseTech Global (慧咨环球)成立于 1994 年,总部设在澳大利亚悉尼,其它主要区域性总部设在美国和英国,同时,在德国,南非,新加坡等世界各地都设有办事处。我们遍布全球的团队,为世界提供最先进的物流软件服务。公司的宗旨是:引领国际物流业技术创新,做全球国际运输和物流业软件供应商的领跑者。

我们旗舰品牌CargoWise 的软件产品为许多世界领先的国际物流公司提供了卓越的业务管理和操作系统,涉及的行业涵盖了货代,报关,航运,仓储,运输物流,集装箱货运站和仓库管理等。目前我们已于2016年4月11日在悉尼上市。

WiseTech Global — 在中国

随着世界经济的一体化,中国的国际运输及物流行业也得到长足的发展。 WiseTech Global 愿意为中国物流业的发展提供有力支持。



慧咨福州分公司:福建省福州市鼓楼区软件大道89号福州软件园A区32号楼 2层南区

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