上海浦东新区民办惠立幼儿园 Huili Nursery Shanghai




At Huili nursery shanghai, we appreciate that every child is a unique and able learner from birth. The heart of our vision is to ensure that Huili Nursery Shanghai is the leading and most inspirational early years’ education provider in Shanghai. It is our desire to afford every child the opportunity of growth and fulfilment in a setting which imbues the Huili Values: Kindness, Courage, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility.

Huili Nursery Shanghai represents a marriage of traditional values and evidence-based practice from the UK and China. We know that excellent early years’ education provides children with an increased chance of success in school and later in life, thereby contributing to creating a society where opportunities are abundant. To this end, we are seeking a team of motivated, dynamic and forward thinking professionals who will add something special to this exceptional early years’ setting.

Within a culture of shared vision, mutual respect, connection and belonging, open communication and inclusive practice, the Teacher will form an integral part of a close team who aspire to continually develop and evolve in their personal and professional development.

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