



我公司主要从事工业除尘环保设备及配件的生产、销售、设计研发,秉承“品质是自尊心,技术是命运,环境是使命”的经营理念,坚持以人为本,以诚信求客户,以质量求生存。我们积累了丰富的行业专业经验,拥有高素质的产品设计及生产销售相关的专业团队,重视内部的职能管理与专业素质提升。我司实力雄厚,分公司广州得沣承环保科技有限公司坐落于国内第三大城市-广州,集团香港德丰诚国际实业有限公司承接进出口业务。 我们和多家国内外著名品牌公司一直保持合作关系,出口产品达30多个国家和地区,获得客户一致好评。欢迎有志于从事工业除尘环保行业的你加入我们,一起为创造更美好的环境和实现自我价值而努力!



DFC is a renowned manufacturer of industrial dust extraction equipment and spare parts in China since 1998. Our main market is mainland China, and have exported our products to more than 30 countries and regions around the world. We have won well-deserved reputation by professional services and high quality products, keep a steady rise in production scale every year.
Over the last 20 years we've built up – together with our partners – a wealth of wide-ranging experience in the dust extraction engineering and air pollution control manufacturing industries. We have a full production line of standard dust collectors and spare parts; we also supply custom designed units for a variety of air pollution control applications.
Welcome you to join us,together we will make a better environment,thanks.

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